Monday, 15 November 2010

Sociocultural understanding of teaching learning and assessment

Using a quote by tyack and Cuban 1995, Trowler highlights that deep culture stifles deep change. Proposition one - He uses fences and wells analogies to look at meaning and significance. Proposition two – "people's interaction with objects (tools technologies) is socially mediated: the objects themselves may influence the nature of social reality in significant ways"
Proposition three – "workgroups develop sets of discursive repertoires, which both express social realities and operate to constrain and delimit them."
Proposition four – "work groups develop unique ways of using the tools available to them and a context-specific understanding of aspects of their project"
Proposition five – "individual identities, or subjectivities, are similarly mediated and conditioned by social context."
Proposition six – "historical background, or least narratives about the past constructed by participants, has very significant influences on the social life in the present" (notes to self. This could be a really interesting area to explore in a study)
"any attempt to generalise across social contexts is fraught with danger" pp18 this is a great trawler quote and urges us all to take care in working across organisations. "Sociocultural and psychological approaches: the need for rebalancing"
Trowler says that H.E. approach to teaching and learning are dominated by psychological perspectives eg deep and surface learning. The context has been removed, as in this video

The reason why this approach has not affected T/L practice is because the 'local' has never been engaged. The cultural, historical and emotional aspects of the discipline and workgroup are ignored. But this isn't and either/or trawler is only looking for a rebalance.
He argues that the Meso level what i would call the local level is never considered. "When people go to work at their university they go to their department."

Posted via email from abstractrabbit's posterous

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