This post is a short lit review ie just completed to support an online course. I thought I might be useful to share. It's interesting how many studies are appearing just recently.
key questions
A limited literature search indicated some key findings but also reveals conflicting results.
Key questions
What evidence is there that video presents an efficient or valuable method of learning when compared with other media?
Under what conditions does is learning maximised, impeded or reduced?
In what ways can video be used as submitted course work?
In what ways can video support the communication of assignment feedback?
Key findings
Previous studies
Watching a video without controlling its play back is inferior to text DeFleur et al., 1992, Furnham et al., 2002 in (Tibus et al., 2012). There were many empirical psychology studies comparing tv delivery and text which showed text to be superior. Many of these could be easily discounted, because of the progress in the development of the online individual control of video. But this assumes that people use online video in a stop start way. Analysis of youtube statistics would provide interesting evidence of student viewing behaviour, interviews would also provide a glimpse into the world of learning via video.
Good practice
(Eick and King, 2012) Shorter videos of high quality were preferred by students. (Plon 1993) we need to think about the number of learning elements that the viewer has to understand in a sequence. This paper contains the beginnings of an interesting perspective on how to measure when students believe they should pause a video.
(Tversky et al., 2002) importance of design of materials e.g. animations
(Merkt et al., 2011) Most powerful in terms of learning process was stopping and browsing, using the video as part of a process which used a number of technologies and activities.
(Ibrahim et al., 2012) how to direct learners’ attention to relevant information and decrease cognitive load, creating conditions for the learners’ cognitive system to meet the processing demands
Evidence of learning
(Tibus et al., 2012) empirical evidence of learning during video, such as inferring information, making connections not explicitly in the video
(Merkt et al., 2011) video is just as good as print, probably because of the pause play function
video-based multimedia material generates the best learning performance and most positive emotion for verbalizers (Chen and Sun, 2012)
video and animation are more appropriate for visualizers (Chen and Sun, 2012)
(Brecht, 2012) empirical evidence that additional graphics, animations and music increase learning benefits
(Brecht, 2012) most significant findings are that video lectures are used by students for tutorial help, they improve initial learning, they reduce dropout rates, and they improve course grades
(Kay and Kletskin, 2012) results indicated that a majority of students used the video podcasts frequently, rated them as useful or very useful, viewed them as easy to use, effective learning tools, and reported significant knowledge gains in pre-calculus concepts
(Wright et al., 2012) in supporting learning software classroom, and problem based learning with textural support worked best
(Ramsay et al., 2012) (1) use real scenarios; (2) provide short segments; (3) present simple, single messages; (4) convey a skill-in-action; (5) develop the videos so participants can relate to the settings; and (6) support participants' ability to conceptualize the information.
Video Feedback
Learning from seeing yourself Dowrick 1983 in (Bobo and Andrews, 2010). The strength of this “video self-confrontation” approach was believed to lie in viewing oneself,
Viewing yourself changes (Bobo and Andrews, 2010) improved self efficacy
(Jones et al., 2012) gives the student an impression of being present during the marking process
(Jones et al., 2012) demonstrate step-by-step answer formulation; algorithms; show the solution, alternative answers,
(Jones et al., 2012) this medium has advantages over traditional methods of communicating feedback, (b) that students enjoy this new form of feedback, and (c) that this encourages them to engage with and learn from the tutor assessment of answers, rather than concentrating only on obtaining marks
(Crook et al., 2012) this study has revealed that the use of video instigated positive changes in theways in which staff thought about and developed
(Crook et al., 2012) feedback for their students; and for students, the use of video enhanced their active engagement with the feedback they received.
(Crook et al., 2012) the pilot study the majority of staff and students surveyed would like to continue to use video as a method of feedback.
BOBO, L. & ANDREWS, A. 2010. Using video feedback to measure self-efficacy. Journal of Instructional Pedagogies, 3, 1-11.
BRECHT, H. D. 2012. Learning from Online Video Lectures. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, 11, 227-250.
CHEN, C.-M. & SUN, Y.-C. 2012. Assessing the Effects of Different Multimedia Materials on Emotions and Learning Performance for Visual and Verbal Style Learners. Computers & Education, 59, 1273-1285.
CROOK, A., MAUCHLINE, A., MAW, S., LAWSON, C., DRINKWATER, R., LUNDQVIST, K., ORSMOND, P., GOMEZ, S. & PARK, J. 2012. The Use of Video Technology for Providing Feedback to Students: Can It Enhance the Feedback Experience for Staff and Students? Computers & Education, 58, 386-396.
DIEKER, L. A., LANE, H. B., ALLSOPP, D. H., O'BRIEN, C., BUTLER, T. W., KYGER, M., LOVIN, L. & FENTY, N. S. 2009. Evaluating Video Models of Evidence-Based Instructional Practices to Enhance Teacher Learning. Teacher Education & Special Education, 32, 180-196.
DONKOR, F. 2011. Assessment of Learner Acceptance and Satisfaction with Video-Based Instructional Materials for Teaching Practical Skills at a Distance. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 12, 74-92.
EICK, C. J. & KING, D. T., JR. 2012. Nonscience Majors' Perceptions on the Use of YouTube Video to Support Learning in an Integrated Science Lecture. Journal of College Science Teaching, 42, 26-30.
IBRAHIM, M., ANTONENKO, P. D., GREENWOOD, C. M. & WHEELER, D. 2012. Effects of segmenting, signalling, and weeding on learning from educational video. Learning, Media & Technology, 37, 220-235.
JONES, N., GEORGHIADES, P. & GUNSON, J. 2012. Student Feedback via Screen Capture Digital Video: Stimulating Student's Modified Action. Higher Education: The International Journal of Higher Education and Educational Planning, 64, 593-607.
KAY, R. & KLETSKIN, I. 2012. Evaluating the Use of Problem-Based Video Podcasts to Teach Mathematics in Higher Education. Computers & Education, 59, 619-627.
KIRKGOZ, Y. 2011. A Blended Learning Study on Implementing Video Recorded Speaking Tasks in Task-Based Classroom Instruction. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology - TOJET, 10, 1-13.
MAJEKODUNMI, N. N. Y. C. & MURNAGHAN, K. K. Y. C. 2012. "In Our Own Words": Creating Videos as Teaching and Learning Tools. Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library & Information Practice & Research, 7, 1-12.
MERKT, M., WEIGAND, S., HEIER, A. & SCHWAN, S. 2011. Learning with videos vs. learning with print: The role of interactive features. Learning and Instruction, 21, 687-704.
PLØN, W. V. 1993. Formal features as a design factor of video segments in interactive video programmes. Computers & Education, 21, 123-132.
RAMSAY, S. A., HOLYOKE, L., BRANEN, L. J. & FLETCHER, J. 2012. Six Characteristics of Nutrition Education Videos That Support Learning and Motivation to Learn. Journal of Nutrition Education & Behavior, 44, 614-617.
TIBUS, M., HEIER, A. & SCHWAN, S. 2012. Do Films Make You Learn? Inference Processes in Expository Film Comprehension. Journal of Educational Psychology.
TOCHON, F. 2008. A Brief History of Video Feedback and Its Role in Foreign Language Education. CALICO Journal, 25, 420-435.
TVERSKY, B., MORRISON, J. B. & BETRANCOURT, M. 2002. Animation: can it facilitate? International journal of human-computer studies, 57, 247-262.
WRIGHT, G., SHUMWAY, S., TERRY, R. & BARTHOLOMEW, S. 2012. Analysis of Five Instructional Methods for Teaching Sketchpad to Junior High Students. Journal of Technology Education, 24, 54-72.
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