Thursday 16 September 2010

Using cricket clickers

The first time we tried this the laptop went into hiberation. The usb dongle then needed to be unplugged and the software restarted. I only worked this out later so the first session didn't go ahead.
The activity was done on paper with only a few students confident enough to raised their hands to admit to answering. This was also done in almost complete silence.

The next session it work, students were more talkative with peers and scarcely honest with answers. Even the most technophobic of the staff became animated about the buzz it created.

But there were issues Problems with the Dell laptop
The software is running on a dell laptop that does not allow presentation mode when connected with a projector. Therefore staff have to read from the projector screen, facing away from students.
We could try a different laptop or explore the option of running the software from usb

Why 63 handsets were registered and only 45 could answer?
Is there a limited setting I haven't found yet, I need to test all the handsets before the next session.

about 10 of the hand sets are dead

Posted via email from abstractrabbit's posterous

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