Using a blended approach to facilitate postgraduate supervision.
Authors: de Beer, Marie1
Mason, Roger B.2
Source: Innovations in Education & Teaching International; May2009, Vol. 46 Issue 2, p213-226, 14p, 1 Black and White Photograph, 3 Diagrams, 1 Chart
Abstract: This paper explores the feasibility of using a blended approach to postgraduate research-degree supervision. Such a model could reduce research supervisors' workloads and improve the quality and success of Masters and Doctoral students' research output. The paper presents a case study that is based on a framework that was originally designed for blended learning activities. It is based on supporting different types of interaction between postgraduate research students and their supervisors. The findings show that a blended approach to postgraduate supervision improves the supervision process, reduces the administrative workload of the supervisor, and creates a dynamic record of the supervision process. The results to date imply that traditional supervision practice needs to be revisited and modified to include digital procedures. The research project is in its infancy and, since at least three years is necessary for the completion of postgraduate degrees, this paper reports only on the first two stages of the research project. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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Database: Education Research Complete
Department: | |
Class/Course: | Postgraduate Research |
Students: | 14 initially (research is on going) 3 yrs of intake now in Blended learning |
Technology: | VLE and email (track changes in word |
Assessment Activities: | Currently this is now a series of formative task completed and the student submits and receives feedback on sections of research |
Efficiencies: | No increase in workload, time saved is reinvested in providing range of support |
Learning Gains: | It is better for non English speaking students, they felt closer to academic, more meaningful intervention They like the 24/7 aspect Better for audit trail for both parties – less misconceptions Externals and auditors of course find it more transparent |
Seen as a way to deal with administrative burden
Currently supervisior meetings with student are on the most part not recorded, this does not help both parties to see the progress and learn from the full experience of the supervisor meetings
Research method
Students don’t use all the learning resources (there are plans the first activity will involve activie understanding of roles and duties rather than passively allow them to read these if they want
Need to build trust at the beginning
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